Mat Therapy

The Ultra FIR products power an Active Carbon Fiber mat, which radiates the InfraRed Energy.
Two Control unit models are available: FIR ST (Stand Alone), and FIR Ultra
The FIR ST is a stand alone unit with built-in programs and operational controls.
The user can set the amount of time for the program to run, and the unit shuts off automatically at the end of a program.
The Ultra FIR is used with and requires a BCX Ultra Deluxe, which provides built-in programs and operational controls. Used with the BCX Ultra Deluxe, the Ultra FIR has greater capabilities. In addition, other BCX Ultra Accessories can be used simultaneously with their frequencies and pulses synchronized.
The Ultra PEMF produces Low Duty Cycle High Intensity Magnetic Pulses. It uses either a mat suitable for lying or sleeping on, or a local application device, which concentrates the magnetic energy into a small area.
Two Control unit models are available: PEMF ST(Stand Alone), and the Ultra PEMF.
The PEMF-ST is a standalone unit with built-in programs and operational controls.
It has the ability to select a pulse rate and program the amount of time for the program to run, and the unit shuts off automatically at the end of a program.
The Ultra PEMF requires and is connected to a BCX Ultra Deluxe, which provides programs with sequences and frequencies, intensity control, and timers. With the BCX Ultra Deluxe, custom programs can be created. The Ultra PEMF can be used with a BCX Ultra Deluxe & with other BCX Ultra Accessories simultaneously, with their frequencies and pulses synchronized.
The Ultra PEMF turns on and off automatically as BCX Ultra Deluxe programs are run.


The Ultra PEMF produces Low Duty Cycle High Intensity Magnetic Pulses. It uses either a mat suitable for lying or sleeping on, or a local application device, which concentrates the magnetic energy into a small area.
Two Control unit models are available: PEMF ST(Stand Alone), and the PEMF Ultra.
The PEMF-ST is a standalone unit with built-in programs and operational controls.
It has the ability to select a pulse rate and program the amount of time for the program to run, and the unit shuts off automatically at the end of a program.
The PEMF Ultra requires and is connected to a BCX Ultra Deluxe, which provides programs with sequences and frequencies, intensity control, and timers. With the BCX Ultra, custom programs can be created. The PEMF Ultra can be used with a BCX Ultra with other BCX Ultra Accessories simultaneously, with their frequencies and pulses synchronized.
The PEMF Ultra turns on and off automatically as BCX Ultra programs are run.
ULTRA BEP Magnetic Wave Therapy

The Ultra BEP produces continuous waves of gentle Magnetic Fields.
It uses either a mat suitable for lying or sleeping on, or a local application device, which concentrates the magnetic energy into a small area.
Two control models are available: Ultra BEP ST (Stand Alone), and Ultra BEP
The Ultra BEP ST is a standalone unit with built-in programs and operational controls.
The Ultra BEP is used with and requires a BCX Ultra Deluxe , which provides built-in programs and a way to operate the Ultra BEP. Used with the BCX Ultra Deluxe, the Ultra BEP has greater capabilities. In addition, other BCX Ultra accessories can be used at the same time with their frequencies and pulses synchronized.